Davis Community Network is a nonprofit organization that provides internet-related services and support to local nonprofit organizations, public agencies, schools and individuals. We’re putting the power of the internet in the hands of people and organizations to connect, engage, and build a stronger community.
DCN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit education and community service organization, founded in 1993. DCN is dedicated to helping local people take advantage of and benefit from the new information and communication technologies and services associated with the Internet and media convergence.
DCN Class - "Introduction to the Concept of Cloud Computing" - Thurs, 10/18/2012
What is the "cloud"? Do you still need a PC? This class will define cloud computing, describe the benefits and challenges, help you understand how the different aspects fit together (software applications, virtual servers, web-based applications such as Google Docs) and discuss security issues.
Celebrate Davis with DCN, 2012 - photos and thanks
Very glad to see many of you there! Thanks to DCN volunteers for staffing our booth -- Bill Buchnan, Tsui Chang, Sheila Evans, Jim Frame, Teri Greenfield and Russ Hobby.
Celebrate Davis with DCN
DCN will have a booth at Celebrate Davis on Thursday, May 17, 4:30-9:00 p.m. Our theme this year will be "What's New at DCN". Come visit us and tell us what's new with you!
DCN Class - "Communication Strategies for Nonprofits"
Look Before You Leap: Choosing the Best Communication Tools for Your Nonprofit. Does your nonprofit organization want to make a greater impact, involve more people or raise more money? You can if you get better at reaching out, telling your story and getting people to notice you. This is what strategic communication is all about. There are a lot of tools out there designed to help you communicate with your various target audiences. Some are traditional (like press releases and direct mail), some are new like social media (Facebook, Twitter). What tools are best for you? Tuesday, 5/1/2012, 6:30 PM at 526 B St. Free and open to the public. Pre-registration required.
An enthusiastic full class for Tim Valdepena's "Protect Yourself Online"
Thanks to the new and larger classroom, we were able to accommodate all who had registered for this free class.