Site News
Meet DCN's new officers and board member
A warm welcome to new board member Sheila Evans! Sincere congratulations to Teri Greenfield and Bill Buchanan as DCN's new President and Vice President, respectively!
Listen to Kimball Sargeant talk about DCN and technology on local KDRT radio. [Podcast]
Kimball Sargeant, DCN's immediate past president and one of the first people in town to have a web address nearly 20 years ago, talks about the network and technology on "Davisville."
Email enhancements for DCN email users
As always, please contact our technical support at 530-758-0119 should you have any issues, concerns or questions about using IMAP, SSL or anything else.
Thanks for nice feedback!
"With lots of gratitude to DCN -- The rumors are true! For years, I'd heard that Davis Community Network was run by incredibly nice geniuses, and it's true...." Thank you for the nice feedback from Carolee Gregg!
DCN Class - "Managing Your Brand and Keeping an Eye on the Competition"
Keeping track of what people are saying about your organization, your business, your competition, or yourself is an important aspect of PR and branding. In this class, you will learn how to use a variety of Internet and social media tools to do so. Thurs., 10/28/2010, 6:30 p.m. at the City Training Lab. Free and open to the public. Register now!
Interesting New Class on Web Accessibility - Tue., 10/12, 6:30 p.m.
Free and open to public. Attention web developers, nonprofit administrators, business owners, interested individuals! Don't miss this interesting and informative class! What is web accessibility? How do persons with disabilities access the web (visual, auditory, motor/mobility, seizures, cognitive/intellectual)? How can your organization ensure its web content is accessible to all, and meet legal obligations? What is Section 508 and where is the Americans with Disabilities Act headed? What are the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0)? What are common web development errors to avoid with regard to content and accessibility?
Celebrate Social Media Day with Free Hands-on Session on June 30
In recognition of Social Media Day on June 30, 2010, DCN will host an informal "drop-in" session at the City Computer Lab, 600 A Street. DCN volunteers will be on hand to answer your social media questions.
Celebrate Davis with DCN - photos and thanks
Very glad to see many of you there! Thanks to DCN volunteers for staffing our booth -- Tsui Chang, Jim Frame, Sheila Evans, Teri Greenfield, Rob Nickerson, Kari Peterson and Kimball Sargeant. Thanks to Scott Alumbaugh for the beautifully designed posters, flyers, and t-shirts.
New classes on social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc....)
DCN is going to offer two new classes in May. Admission is free but registration required. Space is limited and is first come first served. To register, please contact or 750-1170. Class details are as follows:
Join DCN's Facebook by May 19th to enter drawing for a grand prize
The prize includes a laptop case filled with goodies such as a $20 gift card for downtown shopping, a 8GB USB drive, a DCN t-shirt, screen mitts, and sticky pads.
DCN Service Enhancements
DCN recently completed a transition to an improved server platform and is rolling out enhancements to the services associated with your account. These improvements bring greater flexibility and security to DCN's core services: email and web hosting. DCN is also preparing to offer a more application-rich future to its users.
DCN Endorses City's Response to Google's Request for Information for Fiber Initiative
A letter from DCN president, Kimball Sargeant, supporting the City's response to Google's request for information to nominate Davis for Google's Fiber Initiative.
Act before March 26 to get "Google Fiber for Communities" to Davis
In this article: 1) Google's announcement; 2) Nominate Davis; 3) Why Google Needs Davis; 4) Local media coverage; 5) Community meeting